
Suakim Temple No. 60 is the subordinate Temple of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdictions Inc. (A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Inc.) chartered August 8th, 1913 in Wilmington, DE.

We are Prince Hall Shriners!  We are a non-profit organization known for our charitable works.  A list of recipients includes the NAACP, the Legal Defense Fund, the Urban League, and United Negro College Fund, along with Annual Grants to several institutions of higher learning and hospitals throughout the land, for medical and other research projects.  It also includes the National Diabetes Initiative (NDI) which is a collaborative effort with the American Diabetes Association to fight diabetes.  More information can be found at www.aeaonms.org

Locally, Suakim Temple No. 60:

  • Contributes financially to the NDI medical research program
  • Provides inspiration and meals to the Epiphany House
  • Host Sunday Breakfast Feedings at The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew
  • Participates in the Adopt a Highway program
  • Donates book bags and school supplies to underprivileged students
  • Donates Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to needy families
  • Assists our local Veterans
  • Mentor Students
  • Sponsors the youth members of our organization in attending the annual Convention (Imperial Session). Our youth have won 1st Place, 12 times out of the last 17 years, in the A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Imperial Youth Clown Competition.
  • Participates in the City of Wilmington, DE Community Cleanup Project
  • Sponsors homeless clothing and toiletry drives
  • Sponsors a Christmas Toy Drive for disadvantage youth
  • Sponsors an Academic Scholarship

We believe in working with others with like-minded goals.  Should you have any questions or wish to inquire on how you or your organization could assist with the endeavors of Suakim Temple No. 60, please feel free to contact us directly at SuakimTemple@gmail.com.

SUAKIM Celebrating 100 Years in 2013

Suaktim Temple - 2020 Scholarship recipient

Kimberley C Edelin
Kimberley C Edelin
Kimberley is a 2020 graduate of Middletown High School. She graduated with a 4.3 GPA and was top 25 in the school.  Kim served as President of the MHS Chapter of the National Honor Society, while also playing viola in the orchestra, Varsity volleyball and tennis.  She was a speaker at the MHS graduation, and has participated in numerous community service and volunteer activities.
Kimberley is a pre-med major at Spelman College.